The AMS Blueprint is a toolkit developed by a working group of infectious disease experts (AMS Working Group)
- The primary goal is to help guide Asian hospitals implement AMS programs and simplify the
process - The AMS Blueprint contains materials for the AMS program leaders, the team members and for
outreach - – Practical guides
– Adaptable templates and outreach materials - Most items in the AMS Blueprint contain hyperlinks for users to easily navigate from one
document to another, and to link to online resources
What is the AMS Blueprint?
The AMS Blueprint is a toolkit developed by the AMR&S Working Group to help Asian hospitals develop, implement and improve antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) programs.
The toolkit contains practical guides, case examples and adaptable templates for AMS program leaders and team members, as well as educational outreach materials. You can choose from the various pieces, depending on your hospital’s status and needs.
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An interlinked, non-linear tool
Most materials have useful links to relevant
pages in other documents and to useful
ae Taal Kole Kear
Developed for Asian hospitals with input and endorsement by regional AMS experts
Developed in partnership with the AMS
Working Group experts.
For multiple audience types
AMS program leaders, AMS team members
(eg. nurses, pharmacists), for outreach
Customizable and practical
templates, examples, leaflets
For hospitals to tailor to own use documents and to useful
ae Taal Kole Kear
What is in the AMS Blueprint?
The AMS Blueprint is divided into four key parts:
Brief overview of the
AMS Blueprint toolkit
AMS Lead
Guides and resources for AMS leaders
AMS Team
Guides and resources for members of the AMS Team
AMS Outreach
Outreach materials to educate other hospital personnel, patients and caregivers
How to use the AMS Blueprint
Introduction to the AMS Blueprint
To find out more about the AMS Blueprint and how to use this toolkit, watch this video by two of our Working Group members, Professor Anucha Apisarnthanarak and Professor Balaji Veeraraghavan.
AMS Lead
- Hospital AMS program assessment checklist
- A guide to implementing AMS programs in Asian hospitals
- Implementing AMS in Asian hospitals: How to deal with challenging situations
- Developing hospital-specific guidelines for the use of antibiotics in adult patients
- A guide to implementing diagnostic stewardship in Asian hospitals
- Effective leadership and communication for AMS programs in Asian hospitals
- A guide to sustainable management of AMS programs
- A practical guide to implementing and improving AFS
- A practical guide to designing and implementing a social media program to improve AMS awareness among patients and the general public
- Principles of Infection Control in Asian clinical settings
AMS Outreach
- Quick reference guide: Antimicrobial modification
- Quick reference guide: IV to oral switch
- Quick reference guide: Avoiding concomitant use of similar antimicrobials
- Hospital leaflet: Why should I care about AMS?
- Hospital leaflet: Understanding the importance of AMS
- Hospital poster: Your role in AMS
- Hospital poster: 10 things I need to know before prescribing antibiotics for my patients
- Patient leaflet: Why didn’t my doctor give me antibiotics?
- Patient leaflet: Protect yourself: Take antibiotics correctly, don’t take them for granted
- Patient leaflet: Protect the effectiveness of antibiotics: Know how to take them
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